What is a Vape Pen?
A vape pen is a battery capable of vaporizing a 510-thread cart. They used to only come in a pen-shaped design. You can now find them in triangle, square, or other shapes and in a variety of lengths and widths. They operate with push-button or inhale activation. Some models offer both. Many of them have variable voltage and preheat. And like their cart battery counterparts, some have digital screens and USB-C charging. They also come in different battery capacities to vape the thickest concentrates.
Is a Vape Pen Different from a Cart Battery?
They are different in design but not in functionality. A vape pen can do everything a cart battery can do. The biggest difference is the general shape and size. A vape pen generally stays within similar design parameters of a pen. They might be triangular or square to keep them from rolling of the table. But they all have that long, slender characteristic like a writing instrument. Cart batteries are generally better for transport and tend to conceal better. Especially if you want to put it in your pocket. There are some discreet vape pens that hide the cart inside the battery. These are good for transport because they protect the cart and hold then pen style shape.
Is a Vape Pen Different from a Wax Pen?
It's not different but it needs to have certain functions and features to be able to vaporize wax. Because wax is thick you want a vape pen to have a higher battery capacity. It should have preheat and variable voltage features. You will want to have at least one voltage setting of 3.6 or higher. And while inhale activation is getting better, you should stick with push-button functionality. If a vape pen has these things you can classify it as a wax pen.
Is a Vape Pen Different from a Dab Pen?
Yes, they are completely different. While they might function in a similar fashion, they use different hardware. A dab pen uses a 510-thread coil that you put wax into and vape. They are generally bigger, more complex batteries. There are a select few that take a pen-style shape. This would be the only similarity outside of some possible functions like preheat or on/off.
Should my Vape Pen be Push Button or Inhale Activation?
Choosing the functionality of your vape pen is a matter of preference. Push-Button vape pens where the standard for a long period of time. Inhale activation has grown in popularity. This is also referred to as auto-draw. Some vape pens have both push-button and inhale activation functionality. Many people like the convenience of being able to pull out their vape pen and use it without having to push buttons. It's also good for people who have diminished finger dexterity. But you need the buttons if you like features such as preheat. Some batteries have a tap-tip instead of a button.
Is a Vape Pen Worth It?
Vape pens fit their purpose. It is a tool to vaporize a cart. Your concentrate and your environment should help drive your purchasing decision. If you are vaping oil the decision is easier than if you are vaping wax. This is because vape pens are great for vaping 510 thread oil carts. You need to be more selective if you are going to vape a wax cart. If you're taking it with you then you need to consider the size and shape. A vape pen won't fit better in a pocket than a cart battery in most cases. But on average they are the more affordable option.
Do I Need to Clean a Vape Pen?
You should clean any vape battery as needed to keep it in optimal working condition. There are so many different types of carts on the market. Each cart can have different size airflow holes. They also need different levels of power to vaporize their concentrate. It is a true mix and match of compatibility. Because of this, carts can leave residue in the connection area. This can cause the vape pen to malfunction.
Dip a Q-Tip in Isopropyl Alcohol and swab the connection area to remove the residue. The alcohol breaks down sticky residue. Once this happens the residue should wipe away. Dry the area and give the alcohol time to evaporate before using the vape pen again.