The Vape-Batt Story

Welcome to Vape Batt, your source for everything 420 and 710. Now as you enter the cave let us tell you a little about what you will find within. Vape Batt was started to be a source for everything that had to deal with 510 thread batteries to allow a diverse and robust selection of the power plants used for prefilled vape cartridges. We made it our mission to offer some of the best products from the top brands and make them available at the most competitive prices.
We offer the greatest names in the vapor industry like Ooze, Exus, HoneyStick, Atmos RX, Atom, BBuzz’n, Yocan, Hamilton, and BBT to name a few. Since then and due to popular demand we have added a plethora of dab/wax vapes and even built out a dry herb category as well as replacement tanks and popular vape accessories. Our Batts are constantly out flying searching the night for the best products to offer you and to ensure you are getting the best deal when you enter this cave. So go ahead and grab those flashlights and shine your attention on the deals and products we have to offer!
We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and great service, so if you don’t find what you are looking for or have any issues, please do reach out!