Cart Batteries

A cart battery is what you need for your 510 thread cart. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Cart batteries can use a magnet adapter or direct screw-in to connect your cart. Sizes can vary as well as features. Some cart batteries only work with oil carts while many will also vaporize wax. A cart battery and a vape pen are similar. The biggest difference between the two is shape. The most popular cart batteries in the market today are discreet. They hide the cart inside the battery. Dual cart batteries are rising in popularity. And many people are also looking for cart batteries that hold 2 gram carts.


    A Cart Battery is What You Need for a 510 Thread Cart

    A cart battery is a device that you use to vape a 510-thread cart. They can have push button or inhale activation. Many of them have similar features and functions. Most will have variable voltage and preheat. Digital screens and USB-C are becoming common in new models. Some can only vape oil, but many will also vape wax. Many people will call those that can a wax pen even if they do not have a pen shape. This is different from a dab pen that uses a coil not a 510-thread cart.

    concealed vape

    Is a Cart Battery Different from a Vape Pen?

    In design, yes. But in functionality, no. The biggest difference between a cart battery and a vape pen is the shape. Most of them have the same functionality. They are push-button or inhale activated. Many have variable voltage and preheat. And digital screens and USB-C are becoming common features. Getting away from the pen shape creates a versatility you cannot get from a vape pen. Cart batteries can conceal better and are convenient for transport. They also can scale up in size. This means you can fit larger capacity batteries to vape the thickest wax. This also means multi-use features that include dabbing or dry herb vaporization.

    Is a Cart Battery Different from a Wax Pen?

    A cart battery is a wax pen as long as it has the battery capacity or variable voltage to vape wax. Not all cart batteries are wax pens because of this. If the battery capacity is too low or the variable voltage doesn't go high enough it can't vape wax. This is not the case when it comes to a dab pen.

    Is a Cart Battery Different from a Dab Pen?

    Yes, a cart battery is different from a dab pen. The primary function of a cart battery is to vaporize a 510-thread cart. A dab pen uses a coil that that you put wax or other concentrate into to vape. There are a handful of batteries in the market that can vape carts and coils.

    Which Cart Battery is the Best?

    Choosing the best cart battery is a matter of preference. There are some important aspects to consider when deciding the cart battery you buy. Choosing how your cart will function should be a consideration in your decision. Push button or inhale activation is what you are deciding on. Some cart batteries have dual function providing options in a single battery. Features are also important. Some batteries are simple and some loaded with features. The common features are variable voltage, preheat, USB-C charging, and digital screens. Brand is also important. Most established brands have a manufacturer warranty in place. This will protect your cart battery for an extended period of time. You should also consider the size of the battery compared to when and where you plan to use it. Battery capacity is also something to think about. This would affect how often you need to charge it and what concentrate you can vaporize. Not every cart battery can fit every cart. You should look at your favorite carts and be sure they will fit with the battery you are considering. The last major consideration should be the type of connection the cart has. This would be magnetic or screw-in and this is a matter of preference.

    Cart Batteries FAQ

    A cart battery is a 510 thread battery designed to vape 510 thread carts that are pre-filled or filled by the user. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes from small vapes that are easy to carry on your person and conceal in your hand to larger tabletop devices. Carts are connected to the cart battery by magnet or directly by screwing the cart into the battery. Cart Batteries can be push-button or auto-draw and can be simplistic or have robust features to dial into your vaping experience.
    When choosing the best cart battery you need to consider size, product features, and functionality that falls in-line with your needs that include how, when, and where you plan to use your cart battery. The size of the device, how you connect the cart, the manner in which the cart battery functions, if it has features like variable voltage, temperature control, preheat, battery capacity and charging options, and does the product have a manufacturer warranty are some of the main considerations to take into account.
    In general, the majority of the 510 carts in the market today work with both push-button and auto-draw cart batteries. For auto-draw cart batteries you need to be sure the cart you are planning to use has an airflow hole in the bottom of the cart or they will not work together. Cart compatibility isn't an exact science and with the amount of different carts available for purchase it is always a good idea to check and make sure your cart is compatible and that the cart will fit the cart battery you are thinking about purchasing. Many cart providers have this information on their respective websites or product packaging.
    These are electronic devices so handling them accordingly is important. Because of this one of the only real ways to maintain your cart battery is by cleaning the connection area to remove residue build-up. It is a normal occurrence for vape carts to leave some oil or wax residue behind. Any amount of residue can cause the device to malfunction and cause connectivity issues. If you find residue in your connection are you can clean it by dipping a q-tip in Isopropyl Alcohol and swab the cart connection area until all residue is gone. Your device should be off and unplugged from charging when doing this. Once clean let the area dry before attempting to use your device.
    Many cart batteries work with both oil and wax carts. However, this isn't always the case and if you plan on using both oil carts and wax carts with your vape battery that you check all possible resources, most notably the manufacturer, to be fully informed prior to purchasing a device.